January 7, 2014

Top 6 Benefits of Yoga for Children

I can't tell you how many times I've heard adults say, "I wish I had my yoga practice in my youth. It would have made ______ (fill in the blank) that much easier." I feel the same way. From body image issues to self-confidence and empowerment, I feel yoga would have dramatically shifted my youth. Now, we have the ability to help create strong, confident, and compassionate children through the practice of yoga, and at Yoga Junction we offer classes for all ages.

Why is yoga so beneficial?
1. Yoga helps kids relax and calm themselves. Whether they are dealing with hormonal issues or tantrums, learning how to breathe and relax is an essential life skill.

2. Yoga reduces stress in kids. Kids have more stress at earlier ages. Yoga helps them learn how to "stress less" and feel capable and confident as they do so.

3. Yoga helps kids improve their concentration and balance. All kids and teens can benefit from increased concentration and balance—both in school and in play.

4. Yoga helps improve their gross and fine motor skills. Whether a child is an athlete or not, yoga helps increase both find and gross motor skills.

5. Yoga helps increase a child's self confidence and sense of self. Yoga is empowering, helping each child see that they are unique and strong.

6. Yoga helps foster positive body image. The emphasis on yoga is what your body can do not what it "should" do. This helps foster self-acceptance and a positive body image.

Our kids classes start next week with Laura Zeigler, a mama of two. Please join us and help us create confident and compassionate kids!!
—Melissa B. Williams, co-owner, Yoga Junction

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